HFG Caribbean Final Country Report
PublicationsResource Type: Final Country Report Authors: Health Finance & Governance Project Access the full listing of our final country reports HERE
Resource Type: Final Country Report Authors: Health Finance & Governance Project Access the full listing of our final country reports HERE
Resource Type: Report Authors: Nelson Hernández y Mario Ortiz Published: June 2018 Resource Description: El objetivo general de este estudio es determinar el costo económico del paquete de servicios de VIH provisto en los Servicios de Atención Integral apoyados por PEPFAR, de acuerdo con las guías de atención de la Dirección General de Control de las Infecciones de […]
The national responses to HIV in the Dominican Republic and Caribbean region have historically relied heavily on financing from international assistance. In November 2017, the HFG Dominican Republic and Eastern and Southern Caribbean teams partnered with USAID, UNAIDS, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, and other partners to encourage countries throughout Latin […]
On July 3rd, 2018, the Pan Caribbean Partnership Against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP) hosted a webinar on Strategies for Strengthening the Sustainability of the HIV Response in the Caribbean. The webinar was facilitated by HFG’s Eastern and Southern Caribbean Regional Program Manager, Ms. Lisa Tarantino. Lisa and Sarah Insanally, HFG’s Country Manager for Guyana and […]
In the Caribbean region, a high prevalence of vector-borne diseases and frequent cross-border travel challenge these small nations’ abilities to prevent, detect, and respond to global health threats. A single outbreak can have devastating effects on such countries, and can easily and immediately spread from one country to another. At the upcoming Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Conference […]
Resource Type: Report Authors: Abigail Vogus and Kylie Graff Published: 12/15/2015 Resource Description: Given the new guidance in PEPFAR’s FY2014 Sustainability Planning Guidance Document, USAID/Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean requested the assistance of HFG and the Strengthening Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) Project in conducting a literature review to frame “the transition of PEPFAR programming […]
Resource Type: Report Authors: Rachel Sanders, Lisa Tarantino Published: 12/2014 Resource Description: Antigua and Barbuda has made great strides in organizing its response to HIV and AIDS in recent years, and has managed to control the growth of the epidemic. The National AIDS Program (NAP) is now at a critical juncture as the country plans to adapt […]
Resource Type: Report Authors: Matt Hamilton, Stephen Musau Published: 12/2014 Resource Description: In 2014, the six countries of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) of Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines developed HIV and AIDS Investment Case Briefs, with the support of USAID’s Health Finance […]
Eastern CResource Type: Report Authors: Matt Hamilton, Josef Tayag Published: December 2014 Resource Description: The HIV/AIDS program in Grenada is at a turning point, facing both opportunities to expand and target its efforts and threats of decreasing funding. As its National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan awaits ratification, the country must consider whether and how to implement strategic priorities […]
Resource Type: Report Authors: Matt Hamilton, Stephen Musau Published: November 2014 Resource Description: The HIV prevalence in St. Lucia is estimated at 0.58%1 based on reports from public and private laboratories on clients tested. This estimate is very likely an understatement given that some who engage in risky behavior do not go for testing and others also choose […]